Tokyo International Audio Show 2010 My highlights of the show. Speakers: Magico Q5 – The more I hear, the more I like this speaker. I...
Fortress x DWS 參考級CAS系統介紹...
129th AES...
Thank you very much Tumnoon Prateepichinda for the interview and the dinner time. I am very glad that the BAV 2010 event gave us a...
Right after came back from Thailand Bangkok BAV Show, there are many stuffs on the line to share with you. But before anything else, few...
Wing Cafe 大阪市浪速區日本橋西1-6-20 It was my very pleasure to visit Wing Cafe in Osaka. This must a dream cafe for DIYer, especially Computer Audio Fans....
數碼港高級視聽展 2010...
Thank you AV-Biweekly reports the Fortress x Design w Sound CAS corner is started from May 28th, 2010. For everyone who enjoys using Computer As...
豐澤 X Design w Sound帶您進入CAS高質音樂世界 近年隨著互聯網及網絡音樂的流行,把電腦與數碼音樂檔案連在一起,以帶動 CAS (Computer Audio Source / Computer As Source) 這音樂玩意,讓音樂發燒友可以低成本享受高質音樂。本港最具規模數碼電子及家庭電器零售商豐澤,為本港首間數碼電子及家庭電器連鎖零售商提供 CAS 音響組件,更夥拍 Design w Sound,把 CAS 音樂玩意推出市場,開拓數碼音樂播放的潮流。豐澤在尖沙咀漢口道分店全新設置 CAS 專區,讓顧客可在豐澤享受由最高質的音樂數碼軟件及組合播放的音樂。 CAS...