TIAS 2010

Tokyo International Audio Show 2010

My highlights of the show.

Magico Q5 – The more I hear, the more I like this speaker. I do afraid this is one of my next target. In CES2010, I have named Magico Q5 and Alan Side Ocean Way Monitor my 2 of the best worlds.

Alan Sides Ocean Way HR3 – This is a much more realistic home version. Again Alan is such a nice gentleman and listening his demo is like listening to live concert. He does his live mix during demo.

Sonus Faber – Fenice (The Sonus Faber). Last time I heard it on Taiwan TAA show. This time it is much better sounding than TAA, although the outlook is not really italian style, the sound is amazing.

Westlake HR7 – You can see from the photos Alan Sides was enjoying Westlake demo. This has been few of my favorite speakers in last decade.

Source: Computer in almost every room: Linn, Boulder, Esoteric, Accuphase. As you can see the CAS (computer as source) development in Japan in my last blog here, you know it is not only a trend but something to move on.

CH Precision D1 SACD/CD Player – Esoteric VMK-5 VRDS CD/SACD pick-up mechanism, Modular Design.
CH Precision C1 DAC
Esoteric K1
McIntosh MR87 Tuner
TechDAS D7

Takatsuki 300B Tube