I believe Adele “Someone like you” has reached Mars and shown aliens about our romance. “If you ever have a broken heart, you are about to remember it now. ” I wish god bless her for a simple balanced life and always remember what’s inside.
Last time I felt such a feeling was Sinead O’Connor “Nothing Compares 2 U”. That was on cassette and then the CD. Years 1990, produced and engineered by Chris Birkett. Sinead O’ Connor used an AKG414-ULS, which was also the first microphone I learnt to use. “Sinead did it in one take, double-tracked it straight away and it was perfect because she was totally into the song. It mirrored her situation.” During recording this song, Sinead puts a piece of white A4 paper on the console saying “NO FUCKING COMPRESSORS”, guess I followed her since then.
Speaker on “Nothing Compares 2U”, I always like Prince and Rosie Gaines live version……Actually the song was originally written by Prince. I especially remember the feedback, it embedded on this music, like every sound recorded on an album, become a history of time.
我們香港的音樂發生了甚麼狀況? 大概知名的音樂人已經忘記音樂的本質。不知名的音樂人只可以忙著為生計煩惱。當一個錄音直入比起”細心調校”的CD還要好聲,那做乜Q要有錄音工程?!
我,也許要做多一點, and I wish you too.