Thank you GQ Taiwan for invitation and our Taiwan partner Music HiFi.
Thank you Music HiFi to host this event in Taipei TAA Show 2012. Photos are taken by “Halo BigBoy“, go hunt him on Facebook [nggallery
I cannot tell you how much effort we have spent on the new office, showroom and studio. We are very lucky to setup this place....
Thank you YK for the review. PDF can be download here. This is first time ever Weiss has a magazine cover, and sharing with Bondy... 除了Weiss Medea+超級DAC外,還有MAN202也首次在臺灣亮相,根據Asia Weiss的Kent表示,MAN202應該會在明年CES正式上市,其造型也會不同,會比較像Medea+,裡面的DAC也會比DAC202等級要高,因為MAN202所有的電腦線路的軟硬體都是Weiss自己設計的,所以很多功能上都非常具有彈性,包括iPad的遙控軟體、或是可能的EQ軟體…等等,此外還有來自法國的Viard Audio Design線材,基本上價格非常合宜,據說日本某大High End音響店把所有整棟的名線都換成了Viard Audio Design,展後我可要找機會聽看看真的是否有這麼厲害,另外還有看到一對外型非常Fashion、白色的,來自瑞士的Klangwerk喇叭,Weiss在國外現在都幾乎跟Klangwerk喇叭做搭配,現場展示的是主動式設計的ELLA!...
This is the second time I attended the TAA show. They have put high attentions on the decoration with artistic approach. I do love Taiwanese...
During CES 2011, I met with Taiwan AudioArt magazine Chief Editor Jack Lau. While I was planning to ask if he heard the DAC202, he...
DAS - FW2009 Report... is one of the largest Chinese audiophile online communities. I met Leo Yeh finally in CES 2009. He visited Weiss demo room and I recognized the...
This is the most world expansive CD ~ $98700Yen, around US$863 and in HK$6500!!! Japanese Brand – Fine N&F. Ya, I’m not talking about CD...