Thank you GQ Taiwan for invitation and our Taiwan partner Music HiFi.
Lily Chen interview by HiFi Review.
Discovery HiFi is our Thailand distributor. Last weekend we went there for a MAN301 workshop, meeting our customers and potential customers. Sharing our background and...
Thank you Music HiFi to host this event in Taipei TAA Show 2012. Photos are taken by “Halo BigBoy“, go hunt him on Facebook [nggallery
多謝AV雙週刊的DAC202U介紹。DAC202U是加入了USB輸入的DAC202。一般Mac用戶已經有火線,DAC202將是更便宜的選擇。我們將持續銷售這兩款最暢銷型號DAC202及DAC202U。DAC202也可以升級到DAC202U. Thank you AV-BiWeekly DAC202U Preview. DAC202U is a new option for all DAC202 users. This is an optional config and all DAC202 can be...
MAN301 – MUSIC ARCHIVE NETWORK PLAYER The MAN301 is a system for music archiving, music library maintenance, music playback, CD playback & ripping, Internet radio...
Thank you Janet (HiFi Review) for the introduction of DreamRoom 616.
This is the first relaunch promotion of Weiss flagship combo – Jason CD Transport and Medea DAC. Right after CES, we have announced and started...
Conclusion: The Weiss interface combines leading-edge technology that works day in day out along with the right combination of mundane creature features for real people...
如奕.夢如.歌 如夢多年前已是香港發燒碟界傳奇歌手, 隱退一段時間後復出, 推出的《民歌喜好》展示她的歌藝更上層樓, 如今以全新感覺演繹陳奕迅歌曲, 必是一次傳奇的延續。 ——馮禮慈 監製 黃偉年 (joseph Hwang)的話︰ 如夢…一個HiFi碟市場通曉的名字、陳奕迅…開宗明義的K歌之王。 拿著歌曲名單,第一樣便想到我究竟應以那邊樂迷的期望為依歸? 但想深一層,HiFi迷追求真實原音、流行樂迷追求真情感動, 二者並無衝突,大可兼容。 其實錄音的過程頗為順利,如夢的唱功很穩紮, 即使陳奕迅的曲目音域都很大,她仍能輕鬆駕馭! 我只需捕捉她最真、最感動的演繹。 希望不論你是那類型的樂迷,聽過這CD, 都能感朋到她歌聲中的真感情, 感覺到如夢背後,一個有血有肉的 如夢 梁珈瑜 奕.夢如.歌 如夢 (歌手) 梁珈瑜 (歌手) 01. 天下無雙 02. 富士山下 03. 大開眼戒 04. 黑夜不再來 05. 幸福摩天輪 06. 歲月如歌...
Thank you for all the wonderful reviews and great comments from all around the world. “此CD-R重現的聲音密度,感情深度和音色鮮明度都不比發燒級LP遜色,而動態和低頻就有過之……效果之佳令我震驚到說不出話來。” – 陳煐光(發燒音響) “女歌手,Double Bass, 結他共處一室的臨場感更強烈,聲音純度與分隔度更高….眾兄弟嘩然,因為靚聲過之前聽過的所有女聲cd…..” – 何森 (HiFi 音響)...
Thank you very much 中仔 for the great review!
The PDF of the review: We recently visited local magazine “HiFi Review” twice. We had 2 demonstrations of our new records “Audiophile Jazz Prologue III...
AV Magazine #342
History & Background The DAC2/Minerva is the new product line from Switzerland manufacturer Weiss Engineering. Weiss hold an unique position manufacturing ultra high quality products...
Weiss Minerva/DAC2 has won Jeff Fritz “The World’s Best Audio System” in Ultra Audio web magazine. “The Weiss Minerva is the best DAC I’ve used...
Last time we shared our excitement using iPhone as iTunes remote control. This time we will look at a larger topic in audiophile perspective –...