桃花依舊 – 黃凱芹 曲:黃凱芹 詞:黃凱芹 編:盧東尼 監:黃凱芹 / 盧東尼 往事蒙塵 仍留在古鎮 重遊舊地 卻不見舊人 微雨輕叩 在油纸傘來問 問為何只得我獨行 歲月留痕 停留在古鎮 青磚巷裡 我竟變路人 黛瓦斑駁 花窗錯落 誰料一轉身見你步近 二十年前斷了的線 編織不到錦繡良緣...
Thank you Savio for the wonderful preview. It was my pleasure to be part of it and thank you Chris, Chris’s management, all producers, musicians...
We caught this tiny few hours windows as Christ only stopped by HK for one day. Thanks Joe for the interview and Savio for the arrangement.