Thanks so much for Tumnoon Prateepichinda to write such a nice review on Weiss DAC202. He mentioned “One knob to rule them all” is very...
金牌大風重新製版 發燒HQCD 新碟今天正式發行!! 希望大家會多多支持, 謝謝!! More Details: 本地發燒HQCD版母帶製作2 I bought these HQCDs this evening in Mongkok. So I Sing 08 Live and Justin are Double 2...
Right after came back from Thailand Bangkok BAV Show, there are many stuffs on the line to share with you. But before anything else, few...
Weiss DAC2/Minerva latest firmware update (Date April 27, 2010) Serial numbers 1041 or higher, please download the new firmware from here: This firmware...
張偉文,呂珊-聲王聲后發燒錄音第一擊 – WMHQ-2655 喜歡戀愛 唱︰張偉文 好男人 (國) 唱︰張偉文 Special Featuring︰蔣慶龍 愛很簡單 (國) 唱︰呂珊 梅花 (國) 唱︰張偉文 幾段情歌 唱︰呂珊 餘情未了 唱︰呂珊 兩條路上 (國) 合唱︰張偉文 / 呂珊 感受愛 唱︰呂珊 紅顏知己 唱︰張偉文 後來 (國) 唱︰張偉文 序 能夠與金曲天王天后合作實在是一份光榮,兩位都是實力派歌手,錄音製作的過程必定是不容有失的。這是首次跟環星唱片及音樂監製Charles Teo張家銘合作過程十分愉快, 各方面自由度也很大。張偉文與呂珊的超卓唱功及天生優美音色在這唱片中希望能用高保真方式來保存他們的超凡實力,也希望音響愛好者能發揮更上一層樓的音響表現。現在回想起錄音過程中各樂手,各製作人員都被樂手們的音樂和聲音所打動。...
Thanks you 郭漢丞 Review! The online review can be found here: 音響共和國 & 音響論壇 are two taiwan audio magazines I read in all...
DAS - FW2009 Report...
It has been pleasured to finally met with HQCD team in Japan. Thank you very much 井原宏史 san, 近藤祐美子 san, and mastering engineering 神田昌美 for...
This is the 3rd show we attended within 12 days in Japan. The 15th Tokyo Tube Fair is located at 秋葉原・損保会館 very near to Dynamic Audio...
Tomorrow Oct 11, 2009 (Sunday), we will have a special Weiss Minerva Firewire 24bit/192kHz DAC and latest Chiron Glass1 Active digital cable demonstration on computer...
Thanks AV-Biweekly, Cato & Chong Ka wing
We will join HiFi event “HifiTrack CAS (Computer As Source) Demonstration II – 發燒電腦音樂播放示範 2” during the Hong Kong Music Fair in...
It feels great when the blog is back to normal. Sorry for the delay on various issues. Things should be catch up from now on. We...
Audio Basic 2009 Spring – Vol.50 “Hi Resolution Music Playback : Best sounds with PC Audio” written by Mr. Yamamoto “Studio master source, recorded with pair...
Computer posted a step by step video demo how to use an open source free Mac software “Max” to convert AIFF <-> WAV. This... – Bay Area Audiophile Society Bob Walters from BAAS wrote a preview about AJP-III and also demonstrated the song “Lush Life” on BAAS event....
We finally releasing this long wait “Audiophile Jazz Prologue Part 3 – Limited Edition”. The first magazine review is published and won “CD of the...