Discovery HiFi is our Thailand distributor. Last weekend we went there for a MAN301 workshop, meeting our customers and potential customers. Sharing our background and...
2012 香港高級視聽展 終於完成了3天的視聽展。上星期才剛剛完成台灣音響展。上幾期也提到幾個非常趕的錄音要在視聽展推出。其中,”歌莉雅-my voice story”在hifitrack.com已經有24bit/96kHz高清版本推出。大家可以比較一下同一個錄音,高清原母帶的質素是遠超CD。其他的幾個錄音也希望未來可以推出高清版本,謝謝各位支持。...
Thank you Music HiFi to host this event in Taipei TAA Show 2012. Photos are taken by “Halo BigBoy“, go hunt him on Facebook [nggallery
一年一度的香港2012 香港高級視聽展 AV Show 2012這週末將會在香港會議展覽中心舉行。 今年我們首次榮幸地擁有自己的房間在3樓Hall 3-X25。 今年我們有準備以下的重點介紹及示範。 Aurender S10/A10 硬碟播放器- 勇取美國 2011最佳產品,Soundstage 全球最佳組合(TWBAS)大獎。 Sonic Studio Amarra加上MacMini Server組成簡單好用電腦CAS訊源。 Unity Audio全新3路4單元電子分頻Boulder主動式揚聲器,每單元擁有由鬼才Tim de Paravicini設計的Discrete Class A/B獨立後級。全球音響工程師的夢幻監聽器。Unity Audio...
U-Audio is Weiss Specialists in Tokyo, Japan. They have many fine audio components and brands. They have sold many Weiss Jason/Medea+ sets in Tokyo area...
麻布十番 is very cold this time. Thank you Stereo Sound 編集長-染谷一 and Mika san. 染谷一 has looked at the MAN301 many times and mentioned this will...
Thank you Asada san, Oshino san. 音元出版社 has many publications and including Phile Web, which is the largest Japan online audio video information site. This time we...
Thank you Minoru Kinjo 金城稔, Teruhisa Onda 御田照久, AZ Audio and Yutaka Masaki for meeting with us. . 共同通訊社 has 2 audio magazines: AudioBasic and...
Thailand Wave Magazine has done a 2 issues extensive preview/review/interview on Weiss DAC202. It was my pleasure to meet with its executive editor Wijit Boohchoo and...
明天便是AV Show 2011。Weiss有不少於4個房間示範不同產品 Hall 3 – X19 : Jason & Medea+ 旗艦配合Vitus Audio放大器及Marten喇叭 Hall 3 – E04: DAC2 + Unity Audio Black Rock主動式喇叭 Hall... 除了Weiss Medea+超級DAC外,還有MAN202也首次在臺灣亮相,根據Asia Weiss的Kent表示,MAN202應該會在明年CES正式上市,其造型也會不同,會比較像Medea+,裡面的DAC也會比DAC202等級要高,因為MAN202所有的電腦線路的軟硬體都是Weiss自己設計的,所以很多功能上都非常具有彈性,包括iPad的遙控軟體、或是可能的EQ軟體…等等,此外還有來自法國的Viard Audio Design線材,基本上價格非常合宜,據說日本某大High End音響店把所有整棟的名線都換成了Viard Audio Design,展後我可要找機會聽看看真的是否有這麼厲害,另外還有看到一對外型非常Fashion、白色的,來自瑞士的Klangwerk喇叭,Weiss在國外現在都幾乎跟Klangwerk喇叭做搭配,現場展示的是主動式設計的ELLA!...
2011 TAA音響展三樓V38:Weiss全新旗艦Medea+堂堂登場
This is the second time I attended the TAA show. They have put high attentions on the decoration with artistic approach. I do love Taiwanese...
Our Japan office AZ Audio has recently hosted a HiRes Live recording Jazz event in Nagoya. This is a purely a charity event which all...