Thank you Audiotechnique and reviewer Redman for such an excellent review! Alluxity Media One is a music server with built in 2TB HDD storage and d...
Alluxity – 山本浩司 日本初上陸-丹麥Alluxity前後級
Thank you audioarts, especially Jack Lau for the wonderful review!
Thank you HiFi Review for the “2013 Product of the Year” Award!! It is the first award we got from the amplifier category. After many years...
Pre-Amp One 前級放大器 丹麥HiEnd品牌Alluxity中港澳地區首演 機箱採用無切割式,完整鋁塊以高技術挖空而成 配合5”可觸碰Touch Screen顯示屏 左 & 右聲道完全分隔的放大組件部分 全平衡放大 反饋為零 (Zero Global Feedback) 5個輸入,2個輸出,和專用bypass輸出 Ethernet連接Apple及Android應用程式遙控方便 Power-Amp One 功率放大器 丹麥HiEnd品牌Alluxity中港澳地區首演 機箱採用無切割式,完整鋁塊以高技術挖空而成 配合5”可觸碰Touch Screen顯示屏...
Alluxity launches at Hong Kong AV Show 2013...