Medea+OP1-BP & Medea Original Analogue Boards. Although the latest Weiss Medea+ looks very similar (some may say it is even the same) as the original...
感謝音響論壇主編劉漢盛先生又一出色評論。 多謝侯姐和音悅的合作伙伴。Medea+ 是Weiss的旗艦解碼器。內部的解碼和模擬輸出是Weiss2011的最新設計。原來的Medea 解碼是1999年所設計的。兩者外型大致相同,但代表了Weiss兩代旗艦10年技術的進步。 有關Jason/Medea的希臘神話,在2004年在我們推出Jason CD轉盤的時候,有打算將來DVD-Audio, SACD, DVD-Rom的轉盤。現在的Medea,也可以有齊AT&T,電腦數位流播放CAS的Firewire,及傳統AES/EBU, SPDIF。 下一個接Medea+的訊源,應該是個男子。先賣個關子。一個月後公報。 音響論壇是華語最重要的雜誌之一,每期資訊在音響和音樂的完整度很高,大家應該多多支持。 普洛影音網電子雜誌專區 Special thanks to Dominque!...
Viard Audio Design – Wave Magazine Thailand Review PDF Viard Cable Review in The Wave Magazine, December 2011 by Khun Wijit Boonchoo. He wrote in the...
Thank you Janet (HiFi Review) for the introduction of DreamRoom 616.
Thank you very much Charlie for the introduction of DreamRoom 616. From his writing I sense he does know me very well…I’m glad my friend.
Weiss INT202 and INT203 Firewire Interface: Weiss INT202 provides firewire to single or dual AES connections. Before there was AES specification on single high speed...
Unity Audio Brochure PDF (150dpi – 3MB) We have produced a new Unity Audio Brochure, because big brother Boulder will be here soon. We distribute...
Thank You very much my good friend 角田郁雄 Ikuo Tsunoda san, 和田博已氏 great comments to DAC202. Happy Birthday 御田照久Teruhisa Onda – we will give you good news...
We are excited to hear Weiss DAC202 has won German most famous magazine – stereoplay Referenz award on November 2011.
序 PDF: 2011三月,有不少朋友向我打探Weiss最新推MAN202網絡硬碟播放器和主動式揚聲器。Weiss喇叭? Weiss一直並沒有喇叭R&D計劃 (DSP概念卻成型已久)。但是歐洲有幾場MAN202介紹會議的確配合 一對白灰色的揚聲器。從Daniel初步知道這也是瑞士品牌,名字為 Klangwerk,形號由著名爵士女歌手Ella Fitzgerald取名”Ella”。 一看見外型,便覺得是歐洲高品味路線的產品,價錢要十多萬港幣一對(主動式設計連後級)。我在音響市場已經十多年,這些超好看的產品,3只5吋中低音單元,心裏不期言想也許是屬於B&O的一類。但我更覺得很奇怪,我們Weiss本身是走專業錄音室業務路線,瑞士總部為何在重要的全新產品介紹會使用Ella? 答案在2011年五月慕尼黑音響展完全揭曉。 第一次看到Ella真身,跟想像沒有多大分別,中小型座地喇叭身型 footprint細少。當日付責示範demo的也是新朋友,德國最大母帶製作錄音室msm studios主理人Stefan Bock。 在150呎細小的空間, 我被完全嚇驚了! 這討好的外型,沒有可能發出這種級數的聲音(我當時差不多忘記了它的價錢),尢其是我追求聲音上的高純度原音,由超低音至超高音頻率的完全無縫接合, 超低下潛力比較起跟我每天工作十多小時的ATC- SCM100ASL12吋低音還要強。 完了當天的展覽會,在Beer Garden認識了Klangwerk的主腦人Markus。原來他本身是瑞士有名的建築師。對聲音有所追求,從而由揚聲器跟室內建築的關係作深入研究 (後面介紹喇叭擺放位置可以清楚見到)。我第一時間問Markus為 何Ella的全頻線性平衡感這麼強,也跟他說對不起我小看Ella的聲音。他說明天有準備了一些資料給我,很有禮貌跟我說明如果有興趣可再細談合作。 回到酒店意亂情迷,還記得打長途電話回港跟同事們討論,他們都認為我是瘋了。市場上十多萬的後級和無源喇叭有不少擁有很高質數,而且名氣大。從商業角度及Ella外型來看,真的如我所形容這麼好聲音嗎? . ....
Khun Thammanoon from Audiophile/Videophile (Thailand) has written the world most details review article for Weiss Jason CD Transport / Medea+ DAC with Swiss Made Klangwerk...
METROPOLIS MASTERING CHOOSES UNITY AUDIO ROCK MONITORS For Metropolis Mastering engineer Miles Showell, a 27 year wait for a near-field monitor worthy of sitting on...
When you are looking for a monitors for professional usage, especially mastering usage, there are many requirements. A brutally honest tool on which you can...
Ken Thomas, legendary record producer and recording engineer, and his son Jolyon have recently installed a pair of Unity Audio Rock monitors for their private...
Alan Moulder Chooses Unity Audio Rock Monitors. One of Britain’s premier alternative rock record producers, Alan Moulder, has recently installed a pair of Unity Audio’s...
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