方浪香港 星光行616

方浪音響 全新代理品牌Estelon

全新香港獨家代理品牌Estelon正式進駐方浪香港星光行陳列室!首先出現是YB型號 – 1吋鈹高音(Beryllium), 5.25吋中音及8吋低音三路設計。配合我們最優秀的數位播放系統。包括Alluxity Media One, Aurender N10及Weiss 501, 為最現代化生活品味的音響選擇。 We rebuilt our small room with NEW Estellon YB speaker. Matched with our most popular digital music servers from Aurender, Alluxity, Fidata and Weiss. Amplifications with Alluxity, Vitus and Devialet. You certainly will find your best matched combination.