DSD file format


DSD is NOT a file format that intend to be used in consumer computer. It is a beast to work with. Since Playstation 3 (PS3) firmware 3.55 bug creates a back door for SACD ripping, I believe all SACDs ever produced, have been ripped to DSD file format. Here are some background and reference tools for people who deal with DSD under OS/X

There are usually 2 DSD file formats: DFF (DSDIFF) or DSF. 
They carry the same DSD data (music content). DSF stores/edit Metadata (e.g. album/artist/song/artwork tags) but DFF does not. 

DSDIFF by Philips  (Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format): http://www.sonicstudio.com/pdf/dsd/DSDIFF_1.5_Spec.pdf
DSF by Sony (DSD Stream File): http://dsd-guide.com/sites/default/files/white-papers/DSFFileFormatSpec_E.pdf

There is SACD DSD ISO disc image, which is NOT a file format.  
DSD ISO is a disc image of SACD DSD layer, which may contains stereo DSD and surround DSD.  If you want to store/tag your DSD files, you need DSF file format. 

FREE Tools#1
Convert  ISO disc image to DSF files.
SONORE ISO2DSD by Simple Design. http://www.rendu.sonore.us/apps2.html


FREE Tools#2
If you have DFF/DSF but you use PCM system,
SONORE DSD2FLAC by Simple Design. http://www.rendu.sonore.us/apps.html


I knew Simple Design author Jesus R. from the AJP3 records and thank him to create good tools. If you feel these tools useful, please consider donation from the bottom of the page. 
Great features includes the output DSF files metadata is transferred from the original ISO file. 


FREE Tools#3
If you have DFF file, dff2dsf converts DFF to DSF

Now you have DSD DSF files, and you want to edit tag or embedded artwork.

FREE Tools#4
OS X version of Mp3tag-v2.61a, the current version of Mp3tag.
This version was created on OS X Mavericks 10.9.4, using Wineskin Winery 1.7, Wineskin-2.6.0, WS9Wine1.7.21, and the Windows version of Mp3tag-v2.61a.
Download it here for Free: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/…v2.61a.app.zip

There are 2 tools I can recommend: 
Yate: http://2manyrobots.com/yate/
This is a US$20 Mac written app

Mp3tag is very powerful and can do various things like copy file name structure to tag. For example: %track-%artist-%title in reference to “01-Kent Poon-I sing so well.dsf”

  •  01 = track number
  • Kent Poon = artist
  • I sing so well = song title

You can also drag the JPEG artwork and embedded to dsf file(s).

The conversion tools that mentioned above except ISO2FLAC, are all transparent to the original DSD content data. They will not affect the original recording quality.

If you are looking for the BEST tools conversion between DSD and PCM, look no further than Weiss SARACON



Kent Poon is a recording producer, engineer and entrepreneur. He founded and managed "Square Wave" group distributes over twenty high end consumer and pro audio brands in Asia region and multiply direct retail stores. He involves in HiRes Immersive audio and new streaming platform "Artist Connection". Kent is CTO of "Montreux Jazz Festival China" (MJFC). He is co-founder records label "Jazz World Records". Here is a private place where he writes freely about his audio lifestyle.