Thank you Simon Chung for this excellent review. We think that high resolution file is the most ideal method to allow audiophile listens to master tape quality, because they are bit identical digital content. Apple TV + Chord DAC64 should be a great playback front end. Our solution Weiss DAC2/Minerva firewire DAC connects directly connects to a PC or MAC. For computer connection, any computer with a Firewire 400/800 or IEEE 1394 or i-Link is capable to hook up Weiss DAC2/Minerva DAC.
Ming Pao Weekly – #2103
- 9 March
- 30ips Records
Apple Tv, Computer Connection, DAC, DAC2, Digital Content, Digital Tv, firewire, High Resolution, Mac Computer, Mac Connection, Minerva, Ming Pao, Pc Computer, Pc Connection, Pc Mac, Playback, Simon Chung, Tape QualityYou must be logged in to post a comment.