Grimm LS1 Speaker White Paper 10th Anniversary

Grimm LS1 Speaker White Paper 10th Anniversary

這篇技術文章剛好十週年。方浪集團也正式引進Grimm LS1a,系列中最入門的型號。Grimm Audio的LS1在十年前已是不尋常的揚聲器,但十年後技術的成熟把這概念伸延得更成功。它的寬而淺的聲箱幾乎是所有當代揚聲器的對立面,儘管有十分普及的先進DSP,但DSP濾波器仍主要基於IIR。 為什麼? 本白皮書認為,所有選擇都源於基本聲學,信號理論和心理聲學因素有關。

This “Speaker White Paper” is going to celebrate its 10th Anniversary, while SquareWave starts to import Grimm Audio most affordable LS1a loudspeaker system. Grimm Audio’s LS1 is an unusual loudspeaker. Its wide but shallow cabinet is the direct opposite of nearly all contemporary loudspeakers and the DSP filter is mainly IIR based in spite of the availability of cheap DSP. Why? This white paper argues that all choices derive from basic acoustics, signal theory and psychoacoustics.