Grimm Audio MU1 Concert 1

Grimm Audio MU1 Concert 1

上週日大提琴手Maya Fridman獲得荷蘭古典人才獎。恭喜! 這當之無愧! 純粹巧合的是,我們剛剛編輯了Maya和豎琴師Majsa Koperberg在 Eindhoven Van Abbe博物館為MU1音樂播放器介紹所製作的音樂會視頻。 因此,為了向Maya的偉大才華致敬,我們很樂意向您展示在這個獨特的活動中播放的6件作品中的第一件。 Maya為Karen Tanaka演奏大提琴和電子樂的“歌曲之歌”。 “Tape”部分通過LS1播放給觀眾。 Eelco Grimm為錄音製作,Darren de Vroede視頻製作。 請享用!

Last Sunday cellist Maya Fridman won the Dutch Classical TalentAward. Congratulations! This is well deserved! By pure coincidence we just finished editing the videos we made of the concert that Maya and harpist Majsa Koperberg gave at the Van Abbe Museumin Eindhoven for the MU1 Music Player introduction. So as a tribute to the great talent of Maya, we love to present to you the first of 6 pieces that were played at this unique event. Maya plays “The song of songs” by Karen Tanaka for cello and electronics. The ‘tape’ part was played to the audience via the LS1’s. Eelco Grimm signed for the sound recording, @Darren de Vroede for the video. Enjoy!