Weiss DAC50x 30 most innovative products that will...

Weiss DAC50x 30 most innovative products that will change audio market


左、右聲道喇叭在相距不到30公分的擺位下,也能呈現出開闊的音場,精確的定位,甚至讓我們感受充滿立體包圍感的音場嗎?不要懷疑,Weiss 501/502辦到了!專精於錄音室專業器材的Weiss原本就是DSP專家,現在他們將DSP數位處理的專業知識,運用在XTC技術上,終於讓這項技術得以真正成熟實用化。神奇的是,與其他廠家利用DSP重新處理數位訊號的作法不同,Weiss的XTC並沒有改變原始數位訊號,只是將左右聲道之間的串音消除,讓左耳只聽到左聲道喇叭的聲音,右耳只聽到右聲道喇叭的聲音,就能將理論上立體聲重播的理想音場狀態完整重現。原來這種充滿包圍感的音場,只要兩支喇叭就能實現,只是以往一直隱藏在錄音訊號中,我們從來不曾體驗,甚至連錄音師也無緣聽見兩聲道錄音所能展現的真正魅力。現在藉由Weiss的XTC串音消除技術,立體聲錄音問世超過七十年的夢想終於實現,錄音工業將因為Weiss 501/502的出現而邁向前所未聞的全新領域,豈能不令人興奮期待! (陶忠豪)

Taiwan AudioArt magazine 30th Anniversary special project – 30 innovative products that will change the audio market.

Can you imagine left and right speakers distance is only 30cm,  you can hear a wide open sound field, accurate sound image location above speaker boundaries, and even let you feel the full three-dimensional ambience sound?  Do not doubt, Weiss 501/502 has done it! Weiss, who specializes in professional studio equipment, has been a DSP expert for more than three decades. Now they apply the expertise of DSP digital processing to apply XTC (Crosstalk cancellation) technology, and finally make the technology truly mature and practical. Miraculously, unlike other manufacturers who use DSP to reprocess digital signals, Weiss’s XTC does not intend to change the original digital recorded signal, but eliminates crosstalk between the left and right speakers, so that left ear only hears left speaker, and right ear only hears the sound from the right channel. This is the theoretical stereo replay can be completely reproduced.

It turns out that this kind of full surrounded sound field can be realized with only two speakers. This naturalist sound field ambience has been hidden in the recorded stereo materials in the past. We have never experienced it. Even the sound engineer could not hear the true charm of two-channel recording. . Until now, with Weiss’s XTC crosstalk cancellation technology, the dream of stereo recordings has finally come true after existing more than seventy years. The recording industry will be in a new world that has never been heard before because of the emergence of the Weiss 501/502. Excited to look forward! (Paul Tao)